Do you have a session BEFORE the session?

Have you ever found it difficult to return to a big effort of yours?

I have found it's a mistake just to jump back into it. You won't make satisfying progress. Instead, try having a session before the session.

This is a priming session to re-absorb it back into your brain.

You dust off old questions, reorganize ideas, and plan next actions.

Then sleep on it and allow your subconscious to work on it while you sleep.

The next day, not only will you be itching to go, you will make satisfying progress.

It's as Mary Poppins always said,

Well begun is half done.

(Word has it she was a big Aristotle fan ;)


You vote...

We start our brand-new workshop intensive in early May.

I've been calling it Writing Original Essays.

What if we changed it to Writing Original Works?

What do you think?

โ€‹A) I prefer Writing Original Essays, aka WOE.โ€‹

โ€‹B) I prefer Writing Original Work, aka WOW.โ€‹

Thanks for your vote.

Also, I'm going to start reading and responding to the hundreds of them soon! If you submit a survey, or have submitted a survey within the past year, you should be hearing from me in the next month or so...


PKM Summit & LYT Meetup update

Friday, March 22nd, at 7pm.

That's when we'll do our informal LYT meetup in Utrecht. The first ever in person LYT meetup! We had 44 people RSVP, which means we'll have 20 show up, haha.

I'll lean on the three individuals who graciously replied that they might be able to help in supporting and organizing the get-together. Stephan, Evelyn, Andy: I'll email you three separately.

Our meetup is right after Day 1 of the PKM Summit in Utrecht, Netherlands on March 22-23. I'd love it if you were there. I'm excited to meet and hear from my digital friends Nicole van der Hoeven and Zsolt Vicziรกn and David Lohnerโ€”along with virtually hearing from Anne-Laure Le Cunff and Tiago Forteโ€”along with learning from 6-7 others who have struck my curiosity.

PKM Summit event information is here. Ticket information is here.


Random Links

Here are three random links to stimulate unique connections in your mind.


Thanks Craig!

We finished LYT Workshop 13.

Wow, I seriously can't unpack the impact of the workshop in a couple sentences. But we are doing something right and students' results are motivating to me.

Here I was, feeling stuck on the book proposal and having another existential crisis, when Craig Taylor was the first to share a showcaseโ€”where students share a part of their PKMโ€”and I saw in his example and his words the power of the LYT way.

He said something that immediately made my day and reinvigorated me. I haven't asked if I can share what he said, but hopefully I will be able to in next week's newsletter.


Eisenhower Matrix or: How Linking Our Thinking led to Idea Emergence

Here's a story about how ideas emerge.

Coming out of the workshop, I always have a mixture of "workshop post-partum depression" and incredible lightness: suddenly, I have more mental bandwidth.

I'm like a bull behind the gates at the famous Running of the Bulls event (Encierro) in Pamplona, Spain.

It's a bit overwhelming. So I tried to set up an Eisenhower Matrix in Obsidian.

I asked if this would interest others...

My version was based on saved searches (queries) and you couldn't drag and drop your tasks. Then, as Ric Raftis mentioned in our community, the PKM community inspires each other and generously shares.

One day later, TfT Hacker shared the Eisenhower Matrix as a drag and drop kanban board, along with the code and instructions to make it work!

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TfTHacker - Exploring Tools for Thought and PKM
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Ok Nick Milo, I was intrigued by this discussion. Here are the results of my experiment. Eisenhower Matrix - Kanban style for Obsidian. - Kanban plugin - CSS Snippet More info:
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Nick Milo
๐—˜๐—ถ๐˜€๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ต๐—ผ๐˜„๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐—ง๐—ฎ๐˜€๐—ธ๐˜€ ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐—ข๐—ฏ๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ฑ๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ป Anyone interested in how to use the Eisenhower Matrix for tasks in @obsdmd ? Should keep going with this experiment and maybe make a video about it?
1:4 PM โ€ข Feb 27, 2024

How cool is that?

What TfT Hacker opened up for me, however, went beyond tasks! Finally, I had I way to get beyond the lame 1-row constraint of Trello and other unimaginative kanban emulators.

Check out this magic. I fiddled with TfT Hacker's CSS and went beyond the 2x2.

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Nick Milo
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Let's keep it going! This goes beyond task management. How would you use this?
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TfTHacker - Exploring Tools for Thought and PKM
Ok Nick Milo, I was intrigued by this discussion. Here are the results of my experiment. Eisenhower Matrix - Kanban style for Obsidian. - Kanban plugin - CSS Snippet More info:
7:47 AM โ€ข Feb 29, 2024

As a gift to you, here is the free downloadable CSS snippet. It's not refined, but it works. Just follow TfT's instructions, along with watching how I change the title to get different matrices.

And then wildly creative Malaika Nolde picked up on the vibes of how "seemingly tiny advances in tech can have unexpectedly big unlocks."

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Malaika Nolde
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2:10 PM โ€ข Feb 29, 2024

And then, in our LYT community, the discussion linked to the showcase of Renรฉ Gyldenlund given the week before!

Renรฉ planted the idea in a LYT Workshop showcase, then, without that consciously in my mind, I shared a version of it the following week, then upon seeing that, TFT Hacker shared a version of it. Then I iterated. And Malaika innovated.

All this, in days.

All because Renรฉ shared a showcase.


Folks, just share.
Not because you have all the answers.
But by sharing, you'll at least discover a few.


Stay Connected,



P.S...Was this email too long? Well too bad ;) I prioritize curiosity and joy over a by-the-numbers newsletter that someone else probably writes. With this newsletter, you never know what you'll get, because I don't know myself! But it does have a few guiding principles you can find in the Footnote.




๐Ÿ‘ฃ Footnotes ๐ŸŽต
The noise ๐Ÿ’ฅ is deafening. I promise to focus on the signal ๐ŸŒฟ. For me, the signal is high-value, evergreen stuff like:
โ€ข how to think better and with more joy
โ€ข how to be a better notemaker instead of just a notetaker
โ€ข getting past the shiny surface and asking the deep questions
โ€ข spotlighting ๐Ÿ”ฆ people and ideas that have stood the test of time โœจ

Linking Your Thinking

๐Ÿ”† I'll help you...learn faster, manage ideas better, & create inspired work more often. โ™ป๏ธ Worked for: HBO, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, & UCLA. ๐Ÿคฟ Trained employees at: MIT, Team USA, Nike & Harvard. โ“What if you could improve how you did your thinking? What effect would that have on everything else you do?

Read more from Linking Your Thinking

Hey friends, As most of you know, I recently went on a personal retreat. I spent the first two hours reviewing every aspect of my life. This epic life audit made a major impact on me, so much so that I want to equip you with the template to do your own. Get the Obsidian template and follow along on YouTube ยป Your hidden benefit for doing this exercise isn't your final score, it's the hidden emotions and deeper understandings that bubble up, because they will create clarity in where you are in...

Epic filming session

Hey friends, You know that amazing Writing Original Works workshop we ran in May? Well, we are remaking it as a self-paced course. It launches July 26th. Watch my intro into the WOW self-paced course ยป I've got multiple quick things to share on upcoming updates to products (like Ideaverse 1.5), future videos, and other cool Obsidian-related things. Watch 7-8 updates from me ยป I've been doing YouTube all wrong. For a while now, I've been hyper-focused on all the stuff that happens AFTER...

Hey friends, Today, I'm around Butte, Montana celebrating the Fourth of July holiday with my extended family. During the festivities, Butte transforms into a kind of war-zone with Roman Candles and Artillery Shells blasting across streets and rooftops. However, all of that stopped at 10:31pm on July 3rd when the city's show began. It lasted for 20 minutes. Here's a clip in the middle of the action: While America is far from perfect, these communal, small-town vibes where everyone is a part of...