I'm a YouTuber. I'm a YouTuber. I'm a YouTuber.

Hey friends,


Today, I'm around Butte, Montana celebrating the Fourth of July holiday with my extended family. During the festivities, Butte transforms into a kind of war-zone with Roman Candles and Artillery Shells blasting across streets and rooftops. However, all of that stopped at 10:31pm on July 3rd when the city's show began. It lasted for 20 minutes. Here's a clip in the middle of the action:


While America is far from perfect, these communal, small-town vibes where everyone is a part of a festive event is something I wish I had more of...but I also like many of the benefits of living in a city. Thus, I return to Los Angeles today.


Speaking of Los Angeles...I attended VidCon last week and it blew my mind. I'm just a tiny, accidental creator in the vast cosmic ocean of the Creator Economy. I recently shared my ten takeaways from VidCon with some friends. I'll debut more of them on my new blog soon. In the meantime, here is a link with two of my takeaways.


​Two takeaways from VidCon »​


I shared this note directly from Obsidian, in two clicks, using the plugin Share Note by
Alan Grainger
. It's free and useful for quickly sharing a note from Obsidian.

I'm a YouTuber. I'm a YouTuber. I'm a YouTuber.

Attending VidCon had a profound effect on me. I realized all the stuff I was doing wrongβ€”and I was doing a lot wrong. Four days later, I was filming an epic session. This time I wasn't by myself. It felt closer to a live production because Dan and Keaton were there to help produce.

It was an exhausting four-hour session, but I'm clear-eyed about YouTube now and the result of this single session are two videos: a fairly personal "reset" video and an epic Wheel of Life walkthrough (with free template). They will come out this month.


I'm excited for more of these filming sessions. I believe it's part of a winning formula that unlocks our ability to share more valuable stuff with you more often.


Quick Hits

Obsidian Spotlight

Obsidian Update 1.6

Obsidian Vault Switcher

Easily switch vaults β‰ˆ Have more vaults?

It's been about a month since the Obsidian update (1.6) that changed the vault switcher/profile layout in the bottom left of the app.

​Check out Obsidian's 1.6 changelog​ where it says "New vault profile" »​


It gave us a brief headache because we had to update the install guides for Ideaverse Pro and Obsidian Flight School, but overall it feels a lot faster opening another vault. Keaton said he stays in flow more easily. Here are a few of the other vaults I've opened in the past on my laptop:

While I recommend trying to keep yourself to a single vault, there are reasons to have more than one. You can see in the screenshot that I've had the need to have several separate vaults...


...There's my main digital garden "Ideaverse", one for flight school, a test "Clippings" vault I haven't opened in a year (I was testing kepano's cool Obsidian web clipper), our LYT Team vault, and our upcoming website blog, completely redesigned using Obsidian and Quartz.

Do you work in multiple vaults? What for?


How do you like it?



Yin and Yang

"Harmony comes from interwoven opposites."

Yin and Yang is a key principle of understanding reality that comes from the ancient Chinese philosophy Taoism around 400 BCE. It represents the interconnected, complementary nature of seemingly opposite forces in the universe.


Spark to Remark

  • It's about opposite forces, but it's really about the fundamental interconnectedness of all things.
  • It's important because it provides a framework for understanding balance and change in everything.

Relate to Communicate

  • It is good because it promotes holistic thinking.
  • It is bad when trying to dig deeper into complex issues.
  • It is similar to duality because both concepts deal with the coexistence of opposites.
  • It is different from duality because it emphasizes harmony (and transformation) rather than mere opposition.
  • It causes a more nuanced understanding of change and encourages a cyclical viewpoint in nature and society.


A word of caution about thinking of Yin & Yang merely as black & white duality:


"When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad." β‰ˆ Laozi, Tao Te Ching

It makes me think of the following works...


  • "Kung Fu Panda" (2008 film)
  • "The Matrix" (1999 film)
  • "Avatar: The Last Airbender" (TV series)
  • "Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell (book)


"The wise man is one who knows what he does not know." β‰ˆ Laozi

πŸ¦‹ What does this concept mean to you? The only correct answer is the one that is personally meaningful. 1) Just copy my note into your digital garden. 2) Add your own ideas and links. 3) Do this for any idea that really sparks with you so that you can cultivate meaningful ideas over time.

Art worth exploring

A Quiet Place: Day One


About halfway through the movie, I had no idea how they would get to a satisfying conclusion. But they did. This is a beautiful human story with no agenda or forced messaging that puts the characters and stories first. How refreshing.

If you didn't see the original A Quiet Place, it made a big splash in 2018. The sequel in 2020 was solid too. That said, I prefer this movie over the sequel. I enjoy these movies because the sound is just as important as the picture. In fact, this almost feels like a silent movie at times.


​Learn more about the movie on IMDb »​


Year: 2024
Starring: Lupita Nyong'o and Joseph Quinn

Noteworthy Person

Noteworthy Person

​Tiago Forte »​

Intellectual sparring partner turned friend

As mentioned, I went to VidCon, but I didn't go solo. For the majority of the event, Tiago and I bounced around to similar events, exchanging ideas, perspectives, and synthesizing the firehose of information coming at us. He even offered for me to stay at his place Thursday night which saved me several hours of LA driving time. It's been a wonderful thing to have an intellectual sparring partner also become a friend.


​Join us at the Second Brain Summit »​

Notable Numbers


The year that the first text-based adventure computer game, Colossal Cave Adventure, was published. LYT and WOW workshop alums may recognize a similar call to adventure in our workshop onboarding emails (though you're a lot less likely to get lost in a dungeon).

671 Million

miles per hour

The speed of light in a vacuum. We're still working out how to best measure the speed of LYT. πŸ”†

It means a lot to me that you enjoy my newsletter. I've put a lot of work into striking a balance between the personal & practical, the trending & timeless, and between encouraging a consuming mindset versus creating one.


Stay Connected,

Nick Milo Milodragovich and the LYT Team


P.S...I'm blown away that we have 45,000 subscribers and last week's open rate was 59%...that's 2.8x the industry average of 21%.


To respond to this newsletter, just hit reply. I love getting replies, and read all of them, but I have sadly come to the conclusion I can't realistically reply to most. Trust me, I hate this. But, well, Life puts limits on all of us. Thank you for your understanding. (And if you received this email from a friend, and would like to subscribe, please go here.)


🎟️ Want to sponsor a newsletter (45,000+ subs)? Get in touch.



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Linking Your Thinking

πŸ”† I'll help you...learn faster, manage ideas better, & create inspired work more often. ♻️ Worked for: HBO, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, & UCLA. 🀿 Trained employees at: MIT, Team USA, Nike & Harvard. ❓What if you could improve how you did your thinking? What effect would that have on everything else you do?

Read more from Linking Your Thinking

Hey friends, As most of you know, I recently went on a personal retreat. I spent the first two hours reviewing every aspect of my life. This epic life audit made a major impact on me, so much so that I want to equip you with the template to do your own. Get the Obsidian template and follow along on YouTube Β» Your hidden benefit for doing this exercise isn't your final score, it's the hidden emotions and deeper understandings that bubble up, because they will create clarity in where you are in...

Epic filming session

Hey friends, You know that amazing Writing Original Works workshop we ran in May? Well, we are remaking it as a self-paced course. It launches July 26th. Watch my intro into the WOW self-paced course Β» I've got multiple quick things to share on upcoming updates to products (like Ideaverse 1.5), future videos, and other cool Obsidian-related things. Watch 7-8 updates from me Β» I've been doing YouTube all wrong. For a while now, I've been hyper-focused on all the stuff that happens AFTER...

Hey friends, I've felt like a different person these last few weeks. I've worked less. I've forced myself to not do the usual routine. Instead of sitting at the desk, I'll sit on the floor. Instead of lifting heavier weights, I'll crawl on the ground. I'm exploring spirituality in a way I haven't for the past decade. I'm wondering about the role psychedelics play in spirituality. I literally bought a book called "The Way of the Shaman"! I'm wondering how to classify things like "mind" and...