The WOW Course, How To Zoom In Obsidian, and Rising From Burnout

Hey friends,


You know that amazing Writing Original Works workshop we ran in May? Well, we are remaking it as a self-paced course. It launches July 26th.

​Watch my intro into the WOW self-paced course »​


I've got multiple quick things to share on upcoming updates to products (like Ideaverse 1.5), future videos, and other cool Obsidian-related things.

​Watch 7-8 updates from me »​


I've been doing YouTube all wrong. For a while now, I've been hyper-focused on all the stuff that happens AFTER YouTube (our live workshops and cool products and stuff). That means, I’ve neglected everyone over there.

​Watch my personal update video on YouTube »​

This is my first YouTube video in a long time. And we've already got the next two filmed:


  • My Epic Wheel of Life Review (with downloadable Obsidian template)
  • How to get my new favorite Obsidian theme "Soft Paper" (with code to copy)


Those should premiere this month!

Obsidian Spotlight


​Zoom »​

Focus on a single section of a note

This is for you need to block out distractions on the page.

Good for...When you are working in a Very Long Note (VLN).


​Watch the 57 second tutorial »​


Linking Our Thinking

My note on Yin & Yang has evolved

Thanks to Dan Barnett's email to me, my understanding on Yin & Yang has matured. To honor this understanding, I've added it to my note:

That's the beauty of having your own place to make sense of things: you have a way to evolve your understanding.


Half of you use more than one vault

It's good to only have one, but when our use cases get more complex, we might need more than one.


Do you want 12-15 videos or 1-2 from me?

There is a slight preference for more videos versus less. We have at least 3 already filmed, and hopefully we continue this rhythm of one per week.

That said, I did just send you two private Loom videos. And with YouTube Shorts and maybe even Instagram (Dan wants us on there and would like you to follow us on IG for upcoming micro posts), who knows, maybe we'll actually get to 12-15 videos between Jul 11 and Aug 11. That would be wild.

Famous Thinkers

Who's on your Mount Rushmore of thinkers?

On my Mount Rushmore of thinkers I have consistently had Carl Sagan and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Those other two spots are revolving. Alan Watts had a spot in my mid-20's and still scores highly. Neil deGrasse Tyson has flirted with the top. So has James Burke, that maverick connector. And now, Carl Jung is vying for a spot. (I wish my list had more diversity; I need to work on that. Please point me to your favorite thinkers that you most admire.)

But when it comes to teaching philosophy, Michael Sugrue is simply in a league of his own (Rest in peace.) He's the only guy I'll watch on YouTube for an hour where it's just him talking to the camera. No fancy cuts or images. Just a guy making philosophy fascinating and accessible to us all. Here are notable videos I encourage you to bookmark if you are interested in having philosophy come alive for you:


  • ​The Presocratics and Republic 1: I must admit, because of something Carl Sagan said in the 1980's timeless classic TV series Cosmos, I've had a negative perception of Plato. But Michael Sugrue's love of Plato's work, especially Republic, which he called "the most important work of the Western tradition" and "the greatest example of putting ink on paper", has me challenging the story I'm telling myself.
  • ​Nietzsche: The way Sugrue makes the parallel between Nietzsche and Plato blew my mind. It's why he calls Nietzsche the most important philosopher of the 20th century. In a nutshell: Plato synthesized the Ionian scientific revolution and Nietzsche fully recognized and attempted (if unsuccessfully) to synthesize the impact of Darwinian evolution.
  • ​Don Quixote: If (or when) you are interested in some of the best literature ever, Sugrue contextualizes so much of the work that it comes alive in even more spectacular ways.

Noteworthy Person

Noteworthy Person

Bob Doto Β»

A Zettelkasten person

I feel like Zettelkasten is needlessly confusing. It doesn't help that many of the ideas are being translated from German. That said, I really like talking with Bob Doto about PKM. He's good at de-mystifying this stuff. His article comparing Zettelkasten and LYT is suggested reading for those that care about understanding the different practices in PKM.

Notable Numbers


Years Ago

On this week in 1962, the first commercial communications satellite, Telstar 1, launched. This marked the dawn of a new age in electronic communication as it relayed the first TV pictures, phone calls, and more across the Atlantic. It's quite amazing to think of all the information at our fingertips today thanks to achievements such as this just a few decades ago.



The number of compositions Mozart​ produced, spanning nearly every classical music genre. It's truly awe-inspiring to think about someone being so prolific, even more so knowing he died at just 35 years old. It makes me appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of each piece that much more.

As always, thanks for the personal emails, they are appreciated and a joy to read.


Stay Connected,

Nick Milo Milodragovich


P.S...Oh, and if you're interested in buying the brand new self-paced course Writing Original Works a day early (on July 25th), at the best price, make sure to join the private WOW Waitlist.


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Linking Your Thinking

πŸ”† I'll help you...learn faster, manage ideas better, & create inspired work more often. ♻️ Worked for: HBO, Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, & UCLA. 🀿 Trained employees at: MIT, Team USA, Nike & Harvard. ❓What if you could improve how you did your thinking? What effect would that have on everything else you do?

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